Mayan Ruins: Things to Do in Guatemala

Mayan Ruins: Things to Do in Guatemala

For much of its history, the Central American country of Guatemala was part of the enormous Mayan civilization that controlled this part of the world. Established around 2000 BC and lasting until the conquest by the Spanish in the early 16th century, this highly-developed society is known for its art, architecture, mathematical methods, and astronomical systems.

Today, descendants of the Maya peoples still play a key role in Guatemala, especially in and around the villages of Lake Atitlan. Throughout Guatemala, there are numerous major archeological sites that visitors can explore to get an understanding of the scale, scope, and impact of the Mayan civilization.

To help you plan out things to do in Guatemala, here are some of the key Mayan sites found in this historically-rich country.

Things to do: Yaxha

Located in the Peten Basin region, this Mesoamerican archeological site boasts several major pyramids as well as associated structures such as ball courts and carvings. The Yaxha site (pictured, right) is enormous—the third largest in the country—and was clearly an important location within the Maya empire. Situated high on a hill, this impressive site overlooks Lake Yaxha and includes the ruins of hundreds of structures.

Things to do: Tikal

Just near Flores, amid the tropical rainforest of Northern Guatemala, is the Tikal National Park. A major ceremonial site for the Maya people, the complex at Tikal (pictured, left), contains numerous temples and pyramids. Research shows that most buildings were constructed here between 300 BC and 100 BC, but the complex continued to be expanded and developed until around 800 AD. Tikal was likely the Maya capital of this region. This site has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, and is one of the largest, with over 3,000 ancient monuments and structures documented. In addition to a variety of residences, palaces, ballgame courts, administrative buildings, and stone monuments are several pyramids and temples, the largest of which is 213 feet high.

Things to do: Dos Pilas

Found in north Guatemala, Dos Pilas is believed to have been one of the Maya Empire’s ancient capitals. Evidence suggests that Dos Pilas was abandoned by the ruling dynasty in the late 8th century due to local warfare. Although relatively small and not as well preserved as other Maya sites, among the ruins are numerous structures, including a temple pyramid.

Things to do: Ceibal

Located in the Peten area of Guatemala, Ceibal is a Maya city that is believed to have been constructed, then abandoned, and then inhabited again as the fortunes of the Maya dynasties rose and fell. As a medium-sized site, one of the key points of interest in the ruins is the round temple and the surrounding structures and carved stones.

Things to do: Aguateca

This was a major ceremonial site for the Mayan civilization and likely to have been a capital or major center for the empire around the year 700 AD. The elevated position of this city made it strategically important, but it is believed that it was attacked and burned down around the year 800 AD. The ruins here are said to be some of the best preserved in the country.

Things to Do: Guatemala City Museum

For a more in-depth look at the history of the Mayan civilization, visit The Guatemala National Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology in Guatemala City. There, a huge collection of exhibits and artifacts showcases the ancient cities, people, and culture of the Maya era.

Guatemala is a fascinating country with a rich and ancient history. When you’re visiting Guatemala and looking for things to do, put some of the many impressive archaeological sites across the country on your list. Taking in the ruins of ancient Mayan culture is a great way to appreciate the forces of the past that have shaped the Guatemala that we see today.

by Edward Allen
Travel Writer, Emma Spencer Living